
2024-01-19 03:58

if i was the kind of person eager to share — i would’ve used social media.

but i’m getting all enthusiastic and energised when i see stuff like, or a /now page, or the unglamorous charm of RSS.

so here’s the idea — this year is gonna see a lot of changes in my life and maybe one of them will be this.. whatever this is..

what are the odds that this time the enthusiasm is gonna actually stick?

2023-02-09 23:59

i’ve been aspirationally imagining myself in the status of a writer but haven’t really thought about the actual work that goes into it. it’s the ten thousand hour rule all over again, isn’t it? which is one of the reasons it’s been more than a month since the last time i’ve gathered enough courage to actually post something here. hint for future self — alcohol helps a lot.

i could’ve never imagined myself enjoying writing in any shape or form — it has always been one of the biggest struggles for me at school. i remember my mom helping me out with my assignments throughout the years, and when she didn’t — i ended up writing convoluted texts, with hypercomplicated sentences, paying more attention to sounding smart than to actually making sense. i wouldn’t be surprised if i still sound like that but that’s why it’s public — so that somebody can come up to me one day and explain to me how i’m doing it wrong.

i’m guessing everybody has at least one such thing in their life. for Merlin Mann it’s drawing, for me it’s Merlin Mann talking about writing. there was some time in my life when i thought that i should learn how to draw, or sketch, or whatever. nowadays, now i’ve convinced myself that i want to write. i have a feeling all these podcasters/writers have a bad influence on me, especially combined with my susceptability to other people’s opinion.

but how else do desires, interests, hobbies, and aspirations get hold of us if not from being inspired by others and their obsessions?

so now i’m here, writing about writing on the blog that has been an aspirational side project, justified by nothing more than me pretentiously imagining calling myself a writer in a bio somewhere on the internet.
convoluted enough for the first step? 🙃

2023-01-03 22:50

technically, this blog is a year old already.

so i am sitting here in the beginning of 2023, thinking the same things i’ve been going through a year ago when i’ve subscribed to Blot — how i’d like to be a person who writes; and how cool it is to have your own place on the internet.

it took me a year of remembering and forgetting about this blog to dare to start again, to take what i already had and strip it down only to what i actually needed. i guess, some people do new year resolutions, others do yearly themes. i do writing aspirations.

it’s no surprise, really, i’ve decided to go the writing way. for years i’ve been listening to the greats talking about their writing practices and processes on their podcasts, i’ve been obsessed with recording my life as long as i remember myself, and, let’s be honest, it’s easier to start writing than, possibly, any other way of capturing one’s thoughts.

i’ve been seeing more and more independent blogs in my wanderings around the internet so why not have my own. it doesn’t cost much, i already avoid social media under pretenses that some of my friends consider completely irrelevant, and i do like to tinker with technology.
so there you are: a page on the web whose sole purpose is to be a receptacle of all my outward facing ruminations on anything that seems worthy of making public.

it has been highly inspired in its design by Julian Lehr’s gorgeously polished blog and stripped off of all the superfluous crud after reading Nicolas Magand’s many posts on The Jolly Teapot.

i like to think that all the years of being enamoured with what Merlin Mann has to say about writing have, in theory, made me a better writer myself. but that’s the impetus behind this blog — to have a check on reality and maybe, just maybe, put something out there that other people might enjoy.